corporation rules

Article 1. This Corporation is named Japan Explosives Society

Article 2. The Corporation has its office at the address below:
c/o Japan Explosives Industry Association
YAESU-ASAHI Build. , 2-7-7, Yaesu, Chuo-ku Tokyo

Article 3. The Corporation shall be able to organize its branch office(s) wherever it recognizes necessary through the resolution of Board of Directors.


Article 4.
The purpose of the Corporation is to make contributions to the advancement of explosives industry through promotion of R&D studies on explosives.

Article 5.
In order to achieve the purpose mentioned in the preceding article, the Corporation shall be engaged in the works below;

  1. To study & make research on explosives and to give opinions.
  2. To hold meetings for the studies of explosives, lectures, study tours.
  3. Issues related with protection against injuries caused by explosives, and safety.
  4. Publication of books & magazines concerning explosives.
  5. Supporting works for the achievement of the purpose.


Article 6. Members of the Corporation are classified as below

  1. Regular member : Those who approve the purpose of the Corporation.
  2. Maintenance member : Persons or groups who pay membership fee to support the purpose and works of the Corporation.
  3. Supporting member : Persons or groups who pay membership fee to support the purpose and works of the Corporation.
  4. Special supporting member : Members of an organization who approve the purpose and works of the Corporation.
  5. Long time member : Those who have been registered as members for many years and resolved as such in accordance with recommendation of the Council.
  6. Honorary member : Those who have contributed to explosives industry or to the Corporation, and resolved as such in accordance with recommendation of the Council.

Article 7. Candidate for the membership should present registration of membership with admission fee to be approved by the Board of Directors.
The registrations of maintenance members and regular members are required to be signed by a member of the Corporation as an introducer.

Article 8.
Members of the Corporation shall be offered a preference to receive books and magazines the Corporation publishes, and admitted to join meetings for studies, lectures and study tours.

Article 9.
Member shall forfeit its capacity by the reasons below.

  1. Withdrawal
  2. Incompetence and sentence of incompetence
  3. Death, a court decision declaring a missing person legally dead, and dissolution of the Corporation
  4. ouster.

Article 10. A member who intends to withdraw from the Society should submit a notice of withdrawal with a reason attached to it, and in case there remains fee unpaid, he (or she) must clear off the balance due.

Article 11.
Chairman of the Society may oust a member from the Society via resolution of the Board of Directors in case the member has not paid the fee, violated its obligations, stained the Society's honor, or committed against the purpose of the Society.
However, a member who has been ousted from the Society due to the nonpayment can be readmitted the membership, following the procedure stipulated in Art.7, if the member pays an amount of money equivalent to the arrears.

Article 12.
The fee once paid shall not be refunded for any reasons.


Article 13. The corporation has the following directors and councilors.

  1. Officers & Directors : 15 up to 20 persons including one Chairman and one Vice-chairman
  2. Councilors : 100 up to 120 persons.

Article 14. Directors and inspectors shall be elected from among the councilors.Chairman and vice chairman shall be elected among directors by mutual votes.
Elected directors and inspectors shall be disqualified for councilors.

Article 15.
Councilors shall be elected by the votes among all of the regular members, supporting members, special supporting members,
including representatives of corporate groups.

Article 16.
Chairman superintends the business of the Corporation, and represents the corporation.
Chairman presides the Board of Directors, Council, and General Assembly.

Article 17.
In case of an accident to, or vacancy of chairman, vice chairman shall handle the business for the chairman.

Article 18. Directors who organize the Board of Directors are in charge of the execution of what the statute of the Corporation stipulates, shall resolve to execute matters, in addition to the resolutions authorized by the General Assembly.

Article 19.
Directors (except Chairman) shall share the business below:

  1. General affairs
  2. Accounts
  3. Projects
  4. Compilation

Article 20. Inspectors shall perform the duties the Clause 59 of the Civil Law stipulates

Article 21.
Councilors organize Council to perform matters stipulated in the statute of the Corporation. They comply with the request for advice and give advice to Chairman on matters they regard necessary.

Article 22.
The terms of Officers and Councilors of the Corporation are two(2) years.They may be reelected.

Article 23. In case of vacancy on director(s) or inspector(s), by-election shall be held. However, if they deem it not inconvenient for the performance of duties of the Board, there may be no by-election.
Aforementioned by-election shall be held incompliance with the article 14 of the statute, and the result of the by-election shall be reported in the bulletin.
Terms of Director(s) and Councilor(s) elected by by-election shall be the rest of the term of a predecessor.
Even after the term expires, Director(s) and Councilor(s) must perform their duties until their successor(s) assume their posts.
Director(s) may be dismissed by the resolutions of General Assembly and Board of Directors, no matter when they are still on their terms, in case they have behaved not deserving to the Director(s) of the Corporation, or when there exist special circumstances.

Article 24.
In order to carry out the office work of the Corporation, a secretary and staffs may be employed.
Chairman has the power to appoint and dismiss the staffs through consultation with the Board of Directors. Employees can be paid.


Article 25. Chairman can call the Board of Directors as occasion demands.
In case where more than a half of the total number of directors on terms require calling the Board, submitting matters to be resolved at the board, Chairman must call the Board of Directors within seven(7) days from the date the request for calling the board has been submitted.

Article 26.
Proceedings of the Board of Directors, unless otherwise specified in the Statute, shall be resolved by the majority of directors attending at the Board of more than a half of total number of directors on terms.
In the case of a tie, the presiding officer shall decide the issue.

Article 27.
Council shall be called by Chairman as occasion demands.
Council, however, cannot be held, unless more than one fourth of the total number of councilors on terms attend.
Proceedings of Council shall be resolved by the majority of attending councilors, unless otherwise specified in the statute.
In the case of a tie, the presiding officer shall decide the issue.

Article 28.
Honorary members and long time members can join the discussion at the Council.
They are, however, not authorized to participate in taking a vote on a question.

Article 29. Ordinary General Assembly shall be called by Chairman once a year within two(2)
months after each fiscal year terminates.

Article 30.
An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held on the following occasions:

  1. When the Council recognizes it necessary
  2. When more than one fifth of the total number of existing membersubmit agenda they want to discuss at the meeting
  3. When Director(s) and Inspector(s) require.
    As regards the preceding clauses 2 and 3, Chairman must call the meeting within 20 days from the date the request(s) has been submitted.

Article 31. General Assembly shall be called with written notice on where , when and what to discuss and resolve at the meeting , at least 10 days prior to the date the meeting is held on.

Article 32.
Below mentioned matters must be submitted to be approved at the Ordinary
General Assembly.

  1. Business plan and budget for income and expenditure
  2. Business report and settlement of accounts
  3. Inventory of property
  4. Other matters Board of Directors approve to be necessary

Article 33. General Assembly cannot be held to resolve matters, unless more than one fifth of total number of existing members are present.
In counting a number of members to be present, those who have expressed, in writing beforehand , their 'yes or no' on matters to be resolved, shall be counted to be present.

Article 34.
Issues at the General Assembly shall be resolved by the majority of attending members, unless otherwise specified in the Statute.
In the case of a tie, the presiding officer shall decide the issue.

Article 35. Points of proceedings and issues resolved at the General Assembly shall be notified to members.

Article 36. The Minutes of General Assembly, Council, and Board of Directors shall be made by presiding officer.
They shall be signed by the presiding officer and more than two(2) members who have attended, to be preserved.


Article 37. The assets of the Corporation are as follows.

  1. Properties listed in an inventory
  2. Fees
  3. Income through business
  4. Fruits generating from the assets
  5. Contributed money and goods
  6. Other income

Article 38. The assets of the Corporation shall be divided into Fundamental Property and Operating Property.
Fundamental property shall be established through the resolution of Board of Directors and the approval of General Assembly.
Operating property is the rest excluded from fundamental property.
Contributed money and goods shall be subject to the contributor's designation, if there are some.

Article 39.
Cash among the fundamental property of the Corporation shall be spent on purchasing dependable securities resolved by the Board of Directors, or shall be saved in a postal account, or left in a dependable trust bank, or in a fixed deposit, to be kept by Chairman.

Article 40.
Fundamental property shall not be consumed or mortgaged.
If, however, there exists inevitable reason in carrying out the business of the Corporation, limited portion only of the property can be spent on condition that the disposal in question should be resolved by Board of Directors and General Assembly, and approved by the Minister of Education, Science and Culture.

Article 41. Business expenses of the Corporation shall be covered by fees, contributions, income from the business and assets, ad other operating properties.

Article 42.
Business plan and budget for income and expenditure of the Corporation shall be drawn up by Chairman before each fiscal year starts, they shall be reported to the Minister of Education, Science and Culture after they have been resolved at the Board of Director and Council, and approved by General Assembly.

Article 43.
Settlement of accounts of the Corporation shall be drawn up by Chairman within two(2) months after each fiscal year terminates.
Together with a set of inventory of properties, business report and remarks passed by inspectors, it must be approved by the Board of Directors, the Council , and General Assembly, to be reported to the Minister of Education, Science and Culture.
When there is a surplus in the settlement of accounts of the Corporation, a portion or all of it shall be incorporated into the fundamental property, or shall be carried forward to the next year after having been resolved by the Board of Directors and Council, and approved by General Assembly.

Article 44. When the Corporation intends to bear a new obligation, or to renounce a right, except the case where the budget for income and expenditure resolves, it must be resolved by the Board of Directors, Council, and General Assembly, to be approved by the Minister for Education, Science and Culture.A debt shall be subject to the same procedures, except a floating debt to be refunded by an income of the same fiscal year.

Article 45.
Fiscal year of the Corporation commences on April 1st and terminates on March 31st.


Article 46. The statutes cannot be altered, unless the alteration is resolved by more that two third of the members who attend the Board of Directors, Council, and General Assembly, at each of which there should be attendants of more than a half of the fixed number, and approved by the Minister of Education, Science and Culture.

Article 47. Dissolution of the Corporation must be resolved by more than a half of the members who attend the Board of Directors, Council, and General Assembly, at each of which it must be resolved by more than three fourth of the attendants, and be permitted by the Minister of E.S.C.

Article 48. The remaining property which is subordinate to dissolution of the Corporation shall be contributed to public utilities which have the same purpose of the Corporation, after having been resolved by three forth of the members who attend the Board of Directors, Council, and General Assembly, at each of which there should be attendants of more than a half of the fixed numbers and permitted by the Minister of Education, Science and Culture.

Supplementary provision

Alteration f the statutes shall be enforced on the date when it is approved by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.(Approved on March 1st, 1999)

Approval of alternation
on July 22, 1964
on Aug 14, 1968
on June 30, 1969
on July 14, 1972
on Feb 16, 1963
on June 19, 1982
on Nov 14, 19
on July 12, 19
on July 12, 19

(General Provisions)

Article 1. Management of the Society shall be subject to the statute and these bylaws.

Article 2.
Revision of bylaws shall be subject to the resolution of Council.


Article 3.
Candidate for the membership must record its full name , date of birth address of an office or company it works with, occupation, summary of resume etc, in an application form.

Article 4.
Members are admitted to contribute their theses and others to the Society magazines, in compliance with contribution rules.

Article 5.
Members are qualified to present the results of their research at meetings for presenting research papers the Society holds.

Article 6.
Members are qualified to receive Explosives Society magazines and 'Explosion', also qualified to join the projects the Society works.


Article 7.

  1. Fees are fixed as follows:
    Regular member : \9,000/year
    Maintenance member :\12,000/person/ year
    \30,000/group/ year
    Supporting member : \30.000/person/ year
    \45,000/group/ year
    Special support member : \60,000/year

  2. Fees mentioned above are subject to change with the approval of the Board of Directors, the resolution of Council ,and General Assembly,depending on a change of social situation.

  3. New members who have been admitted the memberships must pay the fees for the concerned fiscal year at the earliest opportunity.

(The Society magazines and other publication)

Article 8.
The Society publishes 6 issues of 'Explosives Society Magazine and 3 issues of 'Explosion' per year.

Article 9. The Society are authorized to publish printed papers which are recognized by the Board of Directors to be contributing to the development of Explosives studies and Explosives technology.

(Committees Professional groups)

Article 10.
Committees and professional groups shall be resolved by the Board of Directors to be established, if necessary.

(Branch office)

Article 11.
The Society establishes a branch office below.
West branch office (c/o Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology.)

© Copyright 1999-2025 Japan Explosives Society. All right reserved.