

[日時] 2015年4月16日(木) 14時−17時
[場所] 青山学院大学 相模原キャンパス E棟 E306教室
◦ 相模原キャンパスへのアクセス
◦ 相模原キャンパスのマップ
[参加費] 無料
[問合せ先] 理工学部機械創造工学科 林光一
E-mail: hayashi(at)me.aoyama.ac.jp("at"を"@"に変えてください)
電話: 042-759-6215
[講師及び講演内容] 米国カリフォルニア大学アーバイン校 機械・航空宇宙工学科
Derek Dunn-Rankin 教授



“Exploring Opportunities for Hydrates in Energy and the Environment”

Gas hydrates (clathrates) are thermodynamically stable ice-like crystalline solids that encapsulate guest gas molecules. The ice-like solid cage structure of clathrate hydrates can store fuel molecules and carbon dioxide, both important in energy and the environment, particularly in a carbon-constrained future. It has become known, for example, that a significant methane storehouse is in the form of methane hydrates on the sea floor and in the arctic permafrost. In addition, carbon dioxide hydrates can be used to sequester this greenhouse gas, and their interesting phase properties can potentially be exploited for gas cleanup, wastewater treatment, and desalination. Many of these applications rely on a clear understanding of how the hydrates form, grow, dissociate, and burn. This presentation describes some of our new findings on these processes, with particular discussion of methane hydrate combustion. In addition, the presentation describes briefly the development of a unique facility at UCI, the Deep Ocean Power Science Laboratory. This facility is a joint effort between the School of Engineering and the School of Physical Sciences and is dedicated to exploring the opportunities for power science in the deep ocean environment.


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