We found that the relation or specific volumes between perfect reacted and un - reacted compoments of high explosive, which is obtained from the calculation of pressure in reaction zone using equation of states of these components, show very little dependence on the reaction degree of high explosive. Utilizing this property, we propose new simplified method on the pressure calculation in reaction zone of high explosive. In advance, the relationship of these volumes was calculated using mixture equation of state and was fitted to the results by means of a fitting function. Owing to introduce the function into the pressure calculation, the iterative calculation that includes both of equation of states for these components in every time is unnecessary. As the results, the pressure calculation becomes greatly simplified than conventional method. We calculated the shock initiation process of PBX 9404 and PETN and discussed the validity of the proposed method.
爆轟生成ガスの状態式と未反応固体爆薬の状態式を用いた反応領域圧力の近似計算において求められるガス成分ならびに未反応成分の比体積の関係は爆薬の反応率にほとんど依存しないことを見出した。 この関係を応用して, 高性能爆薬に関する反応領域圧力計算のための新しい計算手法を提案する。 あらかじめ両成分の比体積の関係を求め, それを適当な関数にて近似し, その近似式を反応領域圧力計算に導入することにより, 一般的に行われる両成分の状態式をも含んだ複雑な繰り返し計算が不要となり, 計算が単純化されることを示す。 さらにPBX 9404ならびにPETNに対して衝撃起爆間題を提案する方法で解き, その有効性について議論する。