Science and Technology of Energetic Materials

Vol.64, No.1 (2003)

Research paper-ISEM2002 proceeding-

An investigation on under water sympathetic detonation for high explosives
Yuichi Nakamura, Toru Hamada, Kenji Murata, Yukio Kato, and Shigeru Itoh


Sympathetic detonation is one important element for the initiation of explosives. The sympathetic detonation for high explosives has been investigated for the last several decades1). However, most experiments were conducted in the atmosphere, while the phenomenon of underwater sympathetic detonation was only slightly investigated.
   The underwater sympathetic detonation of Composition B (RDX: 64%, TNT: 36%, Detonation velocity 7,900 m/s) was investigated. The distance between the donor explosive and the receptor explosive was varied in the water. In order to investigate the basic characteristics of the underwater sympathetic detonation of the high explosives, the underwater sympathetic detonation and the shockwave in the water was captured by a high - speed camera (HADLAND PHOTONICS, IMACON790). In addition, the pressure of sympathetic detonation is measured using a Manganin gauge (KYOWA Electronic INSTRUMENTS CO. SKF - 21725). The pressures in the cases of complete and incomplete explosions were measured.
   The numerical simulation was used to investigate the sympathetic detonation more extensively. The numerical simulation was performed by solving the equations of mass, momentum and energy under Lagrange coordinate system and the equation of state of explosives. In the numerical simulation of sympathetic detonation it was very important to investigate the treatment for the reaction of explosives. Many researchers have proposed the burn technique, which calculate the reaction rate of explosives. We used Lee - Tarver model because the burn technique incorporates the ignition and growth concept of shock initiation for high explosives.
   The results of both the experiments and the numerical simulations are presented.

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