Science and Technology of Energetic Materials

Vol.64, No.3 (2003)


Origin of the Huoqiangg (Fire-lance) and its Development into Liuxing
(Shooting star) in China
Noboru Okada


The origin of the Huoqiang was discussed in this paper. There long have been many uses for bamboo in southern Asia; one of these was in the creation of a new firearm Huoqiang, made during the Song Dynasty, in the year 1132. This new firearm was very effective for defeating enemies. It seems that this device was the first weapon employing gunpowder. It had as strong an effect as guns and cannons nowadays. Later on, this device was made by rolled paper instead of bamboo tube. When this rolled paper was turned around and attached to a light slender bamboo tube, it was used as a Liuxing (Shooting star), a pleasure fire works; this is the precursor of today's rockets.

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