Hiroyuki Sato, Nobuyuki Tsuboi, A. Koichi Hayashi, and John H. S. Lee
When detonation propagates in a tube with obstacles or with variable sections, it is fundamentally an important issue to elucidate how detonation fails and re-initiates in such a tube. In the present study experiments and numerical simulation are performed to investigate mechanisms of failure and re-initiation of detonation propagation in obstacled tubes. First of all, numerical simulation is validated by comparing data with experiments to analyze propagation mechanism of detonation in obstacled tubes. Two different obstacle configurations, staggered and symmetrical array, are used to see detonation failure and re-initiations. As the result, it is found that detonation failure occurs when it collides with obstacles to become expansion waves and re-initiations behind combustion wave fronts for both staggered and symmetrical cases. Jet ignition promotes fast deflagration transition to detonation in the symmetrical obstacle configurations.
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