Greening of desert area is one of the important actions to fix CO2 and mitigate the global warming. However, greening of rock desert, which is the main part of dried area on the earth, is not an easy task, because it takes more than 10,000 years by natural process.
We suppose rock-blasting may expand useful soil area for plants with higher pace. Ammonium nitrate and fuel oil (ANFO) is the most popular explosive for industrial blasting because of its reasonable price and low sensitivity. We thought this explosive might have ability to crush rock into soil level particles (less than 2 mm) immediately and to spread AN as a nutritional element for plants into the particles. In order to obtain an understanding of effectiveness of using explosives to crush rock into soil particle size and spread nutrition ions, particle distribution and content of nitrogen ions, NH4+, NO2-, and NO3-, in products from blasting 30 cm cubic model of granite at various loading conditions were investigated.
As a result, two things were founded. One is that proportion of very fine particles such as less than 0.020 mm, which qualify the balance between the particles and water, could be controlled by loading conditions such as contact surface area between explosive and rock, tamping, and detonation velocity of explosive. Another was that the blasting with ANFO can spread nutritional ions, NH4+, NO2- and NO3-, into particles. Especially, the contents of NH4+ and NO3- can be controlled by the amount of ANFO whether the blast holes are tamped or not.
そこで,風化に代わり緑化に適した土壌地帯をより速く創出する手段として発破に着目した。硝安油剤系爆薬(ANFO)は,硝酸アンモニウム(AN)と軽油(FO)からなり,爆薬で安価かつ低感度であることから最もよく使用されている産業用爆薬である。この爆薬ならば岩石を土壌の構成粒子(2 mm以下)まで瞬間的に破砕し,なおかつ粒子中に栄養素となるANを拡散できると考えられる。本研究では,岩石の土壌構成粒子への破砕および栄養素の拡散における発破の有効性について理解するため,30 cm立方のモデル花崗岩を使用して,爆薬の装薬条件と破砕後の粒子の粒度分布と粒子中のNH4+,NO2-,NO3-の含有量について調査した。
結果として,水との関係に重要な 0.020 mm以下の微小な粒子の割合は,爆薬と岩石との接触面積,穿孔の閉塞,そして爆薬の爆速などによって制御できる可能性が示された。また,ANFOを使用することにより栄養素であるNH4+,NO2-,NO3-を粒子中に拡散することができ,特にNH4+とNO3-の拡散量を,閉塞の有無に関わらずANFOの装薬量で制御できる可能性があることもわかった。)
ANFO, Desert, Greening, Blasting, Particle size distribution, Nutritional ions