EURENCO France and SNPE Matériaux Energétiques have been developing IM technologies for warheads for 35
years. These technologies are covering the synthesis of new molecules, the design of new cast PBX formulations or explosive
charge architectures, as well as comprehensive design methods and up-to-date production processes. Qualified formulations
using for example HMX, I-RDX® or RDX, or NTO are used in production or development programmes related
to major applications, from underwater munitions and missile warheads to artillery or mortar shells and to GP bombs or
fully IM penetration warheads. Most of them are currently qualified by French or Allied forces.
Advanced concepts are currently studied to meet present and future requirements such as IMness, low collateral damage
specifications and specialized performances. These advanced concepts can require the use of new formulations with
new energetic molecules or additives, such as those synthesized in SNPE/CRB labs or abroad. Such formulations can be
combined in advanced architectures to promote the desired effects.
The goal of this presentation is to give an overview of current IM applications, emphasizing the artillery and mortar
domain, as well as advanced architectures for warheads, with focuses on design and innovative production methods promoted
Explosive, Cast plastic bonded, Process, Insensitive Munition