This paper presents an experimental and numerical study on the acceleration of flyer plate by the application of overdriven detonation of insensitive high explosive (IHE). The acceleration system is the multi-stage launcher system, which is also called as planar acceleration system. Two cases of different impact velocities are used in the experiment. The velocity histories of the impactor and flyer plate are measured by the velocity interferometer system for any reflector (VISAR). In order to simulate the overdriven detonation of IHE, the modified model proposed by ourselves is used. Through numerical study, the computed velocity histories of the impactor and flyer plate agree well with the experimental data. Moreover, the calculated pressure histories in the sample explosive show a steady overdriven detonation for a higher impact velocity while a Chapman-Jouguet (CJ) detonation to overdriven detonation transition for a lower impact velocity.
overdriven detonation, high insensitive explosive, flyer plate ; acceleration, numerical study