Explosive Jointing of Steel Pipes I. Study of the Mechanical Properties of Steel Pipe Joint by the Explosive Method(*in Japanese)鋼管の爆発接合 第1報 爆発継手の機械的性質
K.Yamamoto, M.Kameishi, Y.Ishitani and S.Akimaru山本一元, 亀石正之, 石谷幸保, 秋丸進
Studies on Vapor-Phase Nitration of Paraffins IV. Vapor-Phase Nitration of Propane and Effects of Radiation on it in the Flow System(*in Japanese)流通系によるプロパンの気相ニトロ化と放射線の効果
M.Tamura, T.Wakabayashi, T.Yoshida, A.Abe and K.Namba田村昌三, 若林孟茂, 吉田忠雄, 阿部俊彦, 難波桂芳