Studies on water-gel explosives containing hydrazine nitrate [I] Effects of adding hydrazine nitrate on physical and explosive properties(*in Japanese)硝酸ヒドラジンを加えた含水爆薬(第1報) 物性及び爆性に及ぼす硝酸ヒドラジンの効果
Study on the detonation of liquid explosives (I) Effects of liquid diluents on detonation propagation in nitromethane(*in Japanese)液体爆薬の爆轟に関する研究(第1報) ニトロメタン中の爆轟伝播に及ぼす不活性液体混合の影響
Study on the detonation of liquid explosives (II) Homogeneous liquid explosives containing urea perchlorate(*in Japanese)液体爆薬の爆轟に関する研究(第2報) 過塩素酸尿素を含む均質液体爆薬
Studies on firework compositions (II) Combustion characteristics of piled firework compositions;gerbs,star grains and star compositions as powder(*in Japanese)煙火原料火薬の研究(第2報) 火の粉剤、星剤、色火剤の大量燃焼