Tetra-ol glycidyl azide polymer (GAP) is one of the best candidates for the solid fuel of gas hybrid rocket system because of self-combustibility, better mechanical property and high heat of formation, and comprehensive understanding of combustion phenomena is indispensable for such an application. Combustion model of GAP, which is one-dimensional three-phase mode combustion model, was developed by Beckstead et al. and they applied it to tri-ol GAP successfully. We have applied this model to tetra-ol GAP as an initial attempt, and numerical simulation showed that maximum temperatures in the gas phase exceeded those of experimental results significantly, and calculated burning rates were much higher than strand burner data, thus, modification of the model taking account of combustion incompleteness was found to be necessary. Modifications of combustion model were made taking the residue analysis results into account as Blow Off Mechanism. Simulated final temperature in the gas phase and burning rate are lowered effectively and coincide well with experimental data adjusting kinetic parameters.
高エネルギー物質Glycidyl Azide Polymer(GAP)の燃焼機構に関しては依然として不明な点が多い。本研究は,GAPの燃焼の3相一次元モデル化を,CHEMKINを利用した数値計算により確立することを目的としている。実験情報から,燃焼温度が断熱火炎温度より著しく低いこと,燃焼残渣の発生が認められている。特に低圧力域において多くの残渣が発生しており,これが燃焼表面から熱・化学エネルギーを持ち去り,GAPの不完全燃焼の要因となっていると推察される。本モデルでは燃焼残渣の挙動を取り入れたメカニズムを提案した.このメカニズムの導入により燃焼温度履歴と燃焼速度の圧力依存性のシミュレーションに成功した。
Tetra-ol glycidyl azide polymer, Combustion modeling, Residue behavior, Beckstead's model,Gas hybrid rocket.