In this article, the results of measuring the reaction wave propagation velocities of a tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP) and fuming nitric acid (FNA) mixture by optical and electrical methods are reported, in order to examine the difference in the reaction by incident shock pressure. The TBP / FNA mixture was found to explode by different mechanisms with the strength of incident shock pressure. That is, under strong incident shock pressure, the reaction propagates in the state of C-J detonation from the beginning, and under weak incident shock pressure which does not result in direct explosion, the low-velocity reaction wave propagates inside the sample for a certain amount of time, and the phenomenon is transferred to the C-J detonation state after that.
入射衝撃圧力による反応状況の違いを調べる目的で,リン酸トリ-n-ブチル(TBP)/ 発煙硝酸(FNA)混合物の 反応伝播速度を光学的,電気的手法で測定した結果を報告する。入射衝撃圧力の強さにより,TBP / FNA 混合物が異な るメカニズムで爆発することわかった。すなわち,強い入射衝撃圧力では,反応は始めからC-J 爆轟状態で伝播し,直 接起爆が起きない弱い入射衝撃圧力では,低速の反応波がある時間,試料中を伝播し,その後,現象はC-J爆轟状態 へ転移する。
Detonation, Tri-n-butyl phosphate, Fuming nitric acid, Velocity measurement.