The flame temperatures of burning grain black powder and meal black powder were measured with a thermocouple and the flame spread behavior was observed with a high speed camera in this work. Because black powder-grains are involved in the flame and move through a longer distance with burned products, the powder-grain burns up far behind the flame and the apparent burning reaction zone become wide. The flame spread rate of grain black powder is very fast. On the other hand, the flame of the tightly charged meal black powder retreats to the non-burning zone in parallel as the burning wave front keeps a plane and the flame spread rate is slow. Also, influences of the ambient pressure and the grain sizes of grain black powder on the mass burning rate were examined in this work.
本研究は黒色小粒火薬と黒色粉状火薬の燃焼温度を熱電対で測定し,燃焼火炎の伝播様子を高速度カメラで観察した。 黒色小粒火薬が燃焼するとき,薬粒が燃焼火炎に巻き込まれ,燃焼ガスと一緒に流れながら,火炎の先端からやや遠くまで燃え続け,見かけの燃焼反応帯が広く,火炎の伝播速度が非常に速い。 これに対して,密に充てんした黒色粉状火薬は燃焼波が平面状態を保ったまま平行に未燃焼火薬へ後退し,火炎の伝播速度が遅い。また,質量燃焼速度におよぼす雰囲気圧力や黒色小粒火薬の粒度の影響を検討した。
black powder, lifting charge, fireworks, combustion, flame