Science and Technology of Energetic Materials

Vol.75, No.2 (2014)


Current trends in energetic thermoplastic elastomers as binders in high energy insensitive propellants in China
Zhenggang Xiao, Weidong He, Sanjiu Ying, Weiliang Zhou, and Fuming Xu


The typical application of energetic thermoplastic elastomers is as energetic binders in solid propellants. The type of energetic binder significantly influences the mechanical properties and consequently the combustion and vulnerability of composite propellants. This review focuses on current advances and future developments in synthesis of some energetic binders and their application in high energy insensitive propellants, especially, in our group and other Chinese researchers. The main topic is on the synthesis and application of energetic thermoplastic elastomers (ETPEs). The application of ETPEs in high energy insensitive propellants increases the energy level with reduction in sensitivity. New approaches to the synthesis of energetic polymer then described, including controlled radical polymerization method of energetic copolymers and supercritical fluid technology in the preparation of energetic prepolymer. Some new products, such as biodegradable energetic elastomer and dendrite energetic polymers, are also introduced.

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energetic thermoplastic elastomers, binder, high energy insensitive propellants

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