Instructions for Authors of STEM

(Last update date: 1-February-2017)

[Pdf file is here]

The Science and Technology of Energetic Materials is a peer-reviewed journal of scientific research and engineering studies in the fields of explosion, combustion, energetic materials, and related areas. The Science and Technology of Energetic Materials is published by the Japan Explosives Society.

1. Qualifications
At least one of the authors should be a member of the Japan Explosives Society, provided, however, that non-member authors may be allowed with the approval of the editorial board.
2. Copyright
The Japan Explosives Society holds the copyrights of the published articles and derivative rights defined in Articles, 27 and 28 of the Copyright Law of Japan (translation rights, adaptation rights, and utilization rights for secondary work).
3. Types of articles
The following three types of articles will be considered for publications: Review, Research paper, Letter. The language of the article must be in English. Must be original and unpublished articles. The articles should follow the guidelines listed in these instructions and “Manuscript Preparation”. The articles should consist of the cover page, English abstract, key words, main text, references, figures (including the photographs) and tables.
3.1 Reviews
The subjects in the area of explosives, energetic materials, and related areas should be compiled and discussed in the reviews. The maximum total length is 10 printed pages.*
3.2 Research papers
The research papers should contain original and meaningful studies. The maximum total length shall be no more than 6 printed pages.* The number of figures and tables should be no more than 12.
3.3 Letters
The letters should be short reports which include original results and valuable scientific data. The maximum total length shall be no more than 3 printed pages.* A Letter can be published as a research paper with more detailed results and descriptions at a later date.
4. Miscellaneous
The received date will be the day on which the manuscript arrives at the editorial office. The accepted date will be written on the manuscript by the editorial committee.
The editorial committee will determine whether the manuscript is accepted for publication, the type of article, and will make corrections as deemed necessary.
The editorial committee can request amendments to the manuscript. The authors should resubmit their manuscript as soon as possible with the requested amendments. If the manuscript is not returned within 3 month, the manuscript will be considered withdrawn by the authors.
Authors will be given the opportunity to proofread once the manuscript prior to publication. Typographical errors can be corrected, but the insertion of new words, sentences, figures, and tables will not be allowed. Authors should return the proof to the editorial office within 5 days. If the proof is not returned in time, the proofreading by the editorial committee will be considered final.
A completed copyright transfer form should accompany the proofread manuscript.
Submitted manuscripts will not be retuned to the authors.

Manuscript Preparation

(Last update date: 1-February-2017)
1. Text preparation
Manuscripts should be prepared using Microsoft Word. Authors who are not available to use Microsoft Word should inform the editorial office and follow their instructions.
Manuscripts should be prepared on A4 portrait leaving a margin (25 mm) on all four sides; point size should be 12; any page should not exceed 36 lines. Use font type “Century” or some other serif font type. Consecutive numbering of all pages is required. The main text should be prepared with numbered lines for efficient review.
The first page of the manuscript should include, the type of the article, title, authors' name, and the receipt and approval dates with a blank that could be filled in by the editorial office (e.g. "Received on _______" and "Accepted on _____").
Affiliations, addresses, contact telephone numbers, a contact e-mail address should follow as shown in the example below. Your country name should be written in capital letters. (e.g. JAPAN) The corresponding author must be identified with a superscript dagger on author’s name.

Manabu Kayaku*† and Hanako Bakuhatsu**
[No comma ( , ) is required between two authors.]
Manabu Kayaku*†, Hanako Bakuhatsu*, and Mamoru Anzen**
[Commas( , ) are required between more than three authors.]
*Japan Explosives Society (JES),
Ichijoji Bldg. 3F, 2-3-22, Azabudai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0041, JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-5575-6605
Corresponding author: webmaster@jes.or.jp
**West branch office, Japan Explosives Society,
c/o Kyushu Sangyo University, 2-3-1, Matsukadai, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka 813-8503, JAPAN

Authors are urged to prepare the manuscript as a single file including a cover page, English abstract, informative key words of no more than five, main text, references, figures and tables in this order. Page numbers should be inserted at the bottom center starting from the cover page throughout the manuscript.
Subsequent papers should be numbered as (I), (II).
The main text for research papers should preferably contain sections such as the Introduction, Theoretical, Experimental, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. The unnecessary sections can be omitted.
Articles should be written clearly and concisely.
Sections, subsections, and sub-subsections should be numbered 1., 1.2, and 1.2.3, respectively.
Mathematical formulas should be generally expressed as . Mathematical formulas contained in the body of the text should be expressed in the following format: x/a,(a+b)/(c+d). Variables should be in a slanted (Italics) font.
Mathematical formulas should be referred to as "Equation 1" in the text.
SI units should be used throughout. Do not use symbol names (such as second, volt) together with the symbols for units (s, V, etc.). The products of units should be expressed as “N·m” or “N m” (with middle dot or one space between the units). The quotients of units should be expressed as “m·s-1” or “m s-1”.
In the main text, chemicals should be expressed not with formulas, but with compound names except for elements and simple inorganic compounds: CO2, NOx, etc. Nomenclature should conform to IUPAC rules. Abbreviations and numbers expressing compounds should be defined in parenthesis following standard nomenclatures at their first appearance in the text. The numbers must be Arabic and in the gothic font. The numbers in the text after their definition should be used without parenthesis.
(Example)      Ammonium perchlorate (AP)
  2,3-dinitro-p-Xylene (1)
All publications cited in the text should be listed in the Reference section. In the text, references should be numbered in the one consecutive series regardless of their type as xxx1), yyy2),3), or zzz4)-6). The Reference section should include all author names as the following example; the initial of the first name should be followed by the family name. Journal abbreviations should conform to those used in Chemical Abstracts.
When authors cite the references in the text, authors should use an author name like “Yamada et al.1)” without being like “Ref. 1”.
Authors should not cite the Web site unless being unavoidable. When authors cannot but cite it, authors should specify a reference date.
This journal should be cited as “Sci. Tech. Energetic Materials”.

1) T. Yamada and I. Suzuki, Kayaku Gakkaishi (Sci. Tech. Energetic Materials), 55, 351-356 (1994). (in Japanese).
2) C. Lewis, R. Walsh, and R. Becerra, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 93, 250-254 (1971).
(Books, Proceedings, and other publications)
3) T. Urbanski, “Chemistry and Technology of Explosives”, Vol. 2, 62, Pergamon Press (1965).
4) J. A. Britten and C. K. Westbrook, Proc. Twenty-Third Symposium on Combustion, 195-202, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh (1990).
(Web sites)
5) Japan Explosives Society, “Science and Technology of Energetic Materials Notes for Contributors",
http://www.jes.or.jp/mag_eng/stem/ref/NotesJ.html, (accessed: 30-April-2012). (online).

Figures and Tables should be indicated as [Figure 1] or [Table 1] in the text between line feeds. Figures and Tables should be referred to as “Figure 1” and “Table 1” in the text.
In principle, the authors will have to charge in case of a manuscript exceeding the maximum page limit. An additional fee of 10,000 JPY will be charged per page if necessary.
2. Preparation of figures and photos
Each figure or table should be placed on a separate page and marked in the margin with the number, title, and caption. The captions should be with a capital letter at the beginning and a period (.) at the end. Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively in the order to which they are referred.


All figures and photographs should be provided in good quality for printouts. The width must be up to 175 mm. The photos photographs prepared as jpeg data which resolution is greater than 350 dpi. Our editorial committee prefers graphs prepared as vector data Serif font such as Century; point size is 10 point.
The units in the figures, or the tables, or the photographs should be enclosed within square brackets [ ].
The tables should be prepared as shown in the following example, without vertical gridlines.


ExplosivesH50[mm]Time constants[s]
NQ3200 0.130
3 How to submit
We strongly recommend using the electronic submissions available on the web site to reduce some editorial processes.
Authors can upload the manuscript file onto the Japan Explosives Society server (http://www.jes.or.jp/eng/) and are required to complete the checklist appears before the upload screen.
Authors will receive a confirmation email after the submission completed.
Please refer the latest Notes for Authors on Website of Japan Explosives Society.
3.1 Contact us
Editorial Office of the Journal of Japan Explosives Society,
c/o Japan Explosives Industry Association
Ichijoji Bldg. 3F, 2-3-22, Azabudai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0041, JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-5575-6605 / FAX: +81-3-5575-6607
e-mail: jes-edit@jes.or.jp



The checklist is here


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