The effects of overburden thickness and charge mass-to-structure volume ratio on the blast pressure resulting from the explosion in a subsurface magazine(*in Japanese)地下式火薬庫の土かぶり厚さと薬量−容積比が庫内爆発時の吹き出し爆風圧に及ぼす影響
Hiroyoshi Ichino, Tomonori Ohno, Kazuo Hasue, and Shingo Date市野宏嘉,大野友則,蓮江和夫,伊達新吾
Effect of the particle size and specific surface area of ferric oxide catalyst on the burning rate of AP/HTPB solid propellant酸化鉄触媒の粒径と比表面積がAP/HTPB系固体推進薬の燃焼速度に与える効果
A numerical model of laser-induced ignition of boron / potassium nitrate pyrotechnic incorporating temperature dependence of thermophysical properties(*in Japanese)熱物理特性の温度依存性を考慮したホウ素/硝石系点火薬のレーザ着火モデル
Hisahiro Nakayama, Tomonori Miyashita, Naohiko Yoshitake, and Ritsuo Orita中山久広,宮下友則,吉武直彦,織田律生
Synthesis of nitrides through the reaction of a metal jet induced in conical shaped charge penetrated into liquid nitrogenコニカルシェープトチャージによって生じた金属ジェットと液体窒素の反応による窒化物の合成
Mechanical properties and burning characteristics of AP / HTPB composite propellant using polytetrahydrofuran as a plasticizer(*in Japanese)可塑剤としてPolytetrahydrofuranを用いたAP/HTPB系 推進薬の機械的特性と燃焼特性
Numerical analysis of solid propellant initial temperature effects on differential pressure fluctuations in propellant chamber(*in Japanese)固体発射薬の初期温度条件が薬室内差圧変動に及ぼす影響に関する数値解析
Hiroaki Miura, Akiko Matsuo, and Yuichi Nakamura三浦啓晶,松尾亜紀子,中村雄一